Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday May 4.2012,
 Woods Hole

 So Here I am on the porch of a chestnut cabin, Temp is perfect, food will be served soon. Hikers are chatting grass is green, the sun is shining...

 Yet yesterday 20 minutes of spring hail destroyed much of this years garden.

 Today it is warm a tranquil, but will the cupboard be bare this fall?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lydia Renee...

Lydia Renee my youngest child turned 21 today. (01/10/12)
Few times do you know the moment you give your heart to someone

She was a few weeks old when she grasped my heart by my finger.
She has had my heart ever since. 

There is a silient distance between us now that I do not understand.
The years are rushing by and my friends say give her time.
The years pass like picket fence post lllllllllllllll

I did not understand why she grasped my hand
I do not understand why she let it go

I only know she still has my heart
and she no longer wants it

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wood, a metaphor

 When walking in the forest I ponder wood

The master woodworkers have the ability to see the beauty others do not. 
With sharp tools and eyes  the potential is made real.

Wood all ways has another act to play. 
It can be reclaimed from a scrap pile, refinished, remade, transformed 
into some thing greater than it was

 Working with wood gives me hope that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. 
That while the past can not be forgotten it can be transformed into something beautiful.

At last when all that is left is to burn it.
Wood  can bring people together around a warming fire. 

Yet wood is not done,
It still has another act left to play. 
It's ashes can balance garden soil 
and thereby feed people that never saw its glory days.

Sometimes I ponder such things,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Some place to write

Those that know me, tell me I am a writer that can not spell.
How cruel yet on target.
I need a place to express Ideas that are not really Facebook material.  Now that I am reading daily the need to comment is greater than ever. Wither anyone besides me reads them is not as important as the writing of them.

 So for my POD of friends and Family the Blog is back up and running with a new mission.
A place to throw my stuff against the wall and see what sticks